Tuesday, December 20, 2005

John O'Connell - Eastham Ferry Tap - 13/12/2005

Now here's a bloke who just seems to love playing - once he gets going! John sat in his corner in the narrow confines of the Tap's bar, waiting until he was well and truly ready before launching into his more than competent set, and then with just pauses between numbers and an occasional quip, he played and he played and he played. In the end we had to tell him it was time to go home, and he still played 2 more!

I like John's style, he's got a great voice, fantastic guitar skills, uses his own amp and desk and has Jimmy play bass alongside him some of the time. His rendition of Marc Almond's "Say hello, wave goodbye" is extraordinary (spot the pun) and his fingerwork in his own version of "moondance" is just phenomenal

A good crowd turned out to hear him, and they were not disappointed. Catch him live if you can, his CD's of original material contain good songs, but the production is nothing like as good as the live act.

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