Sunday, January 20, 2008

LIVERPOOL 08 - The Peoples' Opening

It has been an awful long time coming, but 2008 arrived with - a delay. I was amazed to find that Liverpool was not launching into 2008 - the year when the grand old city becomes European Capital of Culture - with a great firework display. So we had to make do with the myriad domestic displays that were visible from the top of Thurstaston Hill. We were also treated to a countdown, a piper, and some singing. The fireworks were great, and there were some really good ones over in Anfield, but one rather felt that Liverpool had missed a golden opportunity in ignoring the date, especially following on from the spectacular display they put on for the City's 800th birthday a few months back.

A fortnight later then, the official start of the Capital of Culture year began with the People's Opening - a small matter of 45-50 thousand of us gathered on St George's Plateau, and spilled over into the surrounding streets in a pleasing if rather cramped turnout for the big event. Billed as the day when Liverpool's "Big Dig" - a controversial attempt to rebuild the City in one fell swoop - turns into the "Big Gig", there were all manner of music and arts promised for this glittering launch event, and sure enough, there were indeed all sorts:

A great phalanx of rock guitarists, impressively arranged in lines atop many of the buildings around the Plateau, backlit and smoked, poured out what was probably somebody's idea of a rock anthem, but the sound didn't match the image, maybe the p.a. wasn't up to it where we were, but what looked like a great oceanic wave turned out to be more like the Mersey on a choppy day - a bit rough and very muddy.

Much more atmospheric musically was the choir which put out a rather ethereal wash of sound, and with the great visuals of local school children bringing their caskets of treasured things, each one containing a light, things improved tremendously. Even more delightful was the harp which often danced around over and above the other music. There was much play on Liverpool's links with shipping, containers flying through the air, acrobats up ropes and on frames suspended from cranes, all flagging semaphore messages in unison. We saw some film, a few celebrities came out and waved - though none were introduced and we couldn't tell who most of them were, and local popsters The Wombats came out and did a song, or maybe 2.

By now the crowd was getting the better of some of our party and we had to try and find somewhere less cramped - not easy as it turned out, so the remainder of the event was experienced in less than ideal circumstances as we tried to squeeze through layer after layer of crowd! Ringo too came on and did his Liverpool 8 song from in a box on top of St George's Hall and then that was it! I was surprised it was over so soon - but everybody seemed to have enjoyed it and it looked fab on the telly the next night. The official web site has loads of great images too if you want to see for yourself.

The next night they got the new stadium - The Echo Arena - open for "Liverpool - The Musical" which seemed to go down well too. The Arena is one of the first of a great many new buildings to open in Liverpool - a city which is in the process of taking a giant step to one side, moving the shopping centre towards the waterfront and adding The Arena to the already impressive Tate Liverpool and so on at the Albert Dock. It's a huge undertaking, and much of it remains under construction, so it may be that culture, rather than shopping, does take first place in 2008!

Stay tuned for more Culture!

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