Friday, November 25, 2005

Who have I missed this year?

As November draws to a close and I get around to catching up on some of the gigs we have been to this year, I took to thinking about the ones that got away and the others that didn't even come by...

Liza Carthy and the Ratcatchers are near the top of the list, I love the "Rice" CD and they have been to so many festivals and played so many gigs, but not anywhere I've been! Not too worry, the next tour has just kicked off so there is still hope.

Steve Earle - got away when we decided not to go to Cheltenham for the new Wychwood Fesival.

Peter Gabriel - still havn't seen him play.

Queen with Freddie - never did, never will.

Missing Dougie Maclean playing Pertshire Amber at Pitlochrey was sad but we just couldn't get there....

E.S.T. at Brecon - well we were enjoying Cropredy...

No doubt there are more to add - hopes for next year?

Neil Young?
David Sylvian?

Keep music alive!

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